Precision Tooling Technologies is a complete inspection tooling manufacturer and full service machine shop that specializes in:
Attribute Gages
Variable Data Gages
CMM Holding Fixtures
Weld Fixtures
Test Fixtures
Specialized Details / Components
ATTRIBUTE GAGES provide a basic, cost effective way to assure your part meets specified tolerance requirements with a simple pass/fail method. After establishing a solid datum structure, parts are checked with some or all of the following:
- Stab Pins
- Go / Nogo Gages
- Spread Checks
- Sight Checks
- Flush/Feeler Surfaces
VARIABLE DATA GAGES collect actual measurement data for precise part analysis and history tracking. Variable Gages may include Attribute checks as well.
CMM HOLDING FIXTURES provide basic, accurate, and repeatible positioning of parts for CMM measurement of critical part characteristics or features.
WELD FIXTURES provide an accurate way to hold multiple parts in relationship to each other while being welded together.
TEST FIXTURES utilizes tooling to evaluate part limitations to ensure function and service life. Test may include any of the following: Vibration, Load, Stress, Environmental and Cycle Tests.
SPECIALIZED DETAILS / COMPONENTS are fabricated to your specific needs.
- Solidworks Design Service
- Prototype parts
- Precision CNC Machining
- General Machining
At Precision Tooling Technologies we design and build superior products that exceed our
customers expectations.
For all your Tooling and Component needs
Explore what Precision Tooling Technologies has to offer.